Senior Health Services
Given our mission to promote resident health and wellness, Palm Beach Memory Care is committed to regularly evaluating the health needs of each of our residents in order to develop an appropriate senior care plan that ensures the right mix of personal support, medical care, diet, exercise, and medication management.
Our Healthcare Services
Our senior healthcare services are available as needed, and include:
Well-Trained Staff
Since numerous members of our care staff receive training in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) as well as the use of our Automated External Defibrillator (AED), residents and families are reassured that we are able to provide a swift response to medical emergencies.
At Palm Beach Memory Care, we are also a leader in offering senior health information clinics and seminars in conjunction with the local healthcare community serving Palm Beach and Martin County, Florida.
Nearby Medical Care
Our community location is convenient to physician offices and medical care, including Jupiter Memorial Hospital, Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center, and Cleveland Clinic Martin Health.
Health & Wellness
An Integrated Approach to Well-being
Because research shows the benefits of healthy aging, we plan our programs to support well-being through an integrated mind-body-spirit approach to health and wellness. In addition to healthcare, our health and wellness approach combines physical activity, mental stimulation, nutrition, socialization, and spiritual fulfillment as follows:
Using these core principles, we seek to promote wellbeing so that each resident experiences a quality of life that makes each day enjoyable.