Project Description

My husband has been in PBMC since Day 1. I believe PBMC has had its growing pains and staffing issues— the same as any other new business; however, I disagree with the horrid review from LB stating the treatment was close to “borderline elder abuse”. LB is essentially saying it’s acceptable to me that I continue to keep my husband in a facility that mistreats its residents. The writer is certainly entitled to her comments, but the past is the past.
Let’s talk today.
I’m at PBMC with my husband 29 out of 30 days a month. I’ve seen a positive change in management and the increased staffing, consists of professional, considerate, hardworking employees in all positions.
The facility is immaculate, and the food is thoughtfully prepared.
Residents are treated with respect.
The amazing Activities Department exercises with the residents and keeps them engaged in various activities. Musical performers and a music therapist are brought in on a regular basis. The residents truly enjoy the entertainment; they sing along and dance, and the smiles on their faces would melt your heart.
Conversely, if I have an issue or notice something that needs attention, Management has an open-door policy and I don’t hesitate to express my concerns. Regularly scheduled Family Nights are an opportunity for family members to express their views and comments/concerns/suggestions in an open forum.
If I had an opportunity to do it all over again, I wouldn’t hesitate to choose PBMC.
I feel comfortable knowing that my husband is in good hands.